Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Law School Decisions

As the deadline nears for incoming 1L students to start making seat deposits and committing to a law school, I have been having conversations with a few friends of mine about how they are navigating make such a hard decision. It's been interesting to me to see other people's perspectives on what they want out of a school, what programs are attractive at particular schools, and individual wants out of location, culture, etc. It seems to really come down to individual needs and desires for what attracts people to certain schools.

Even as I do tours at Stetson for prospective students, the questions that people ask also give me insight to what they're looking for and remind me of where I was two years ago when I was deciding between schools. It's funny to look back on and think about how much I didn't know about law school in general and all of the things that I would come to get involved in and find interest in. I made my decision primarily based on location because I wanted to practice in the Tampa Bay area and knew Stetson was highly regarded in the community and had a collaborative culture, but seeing other perspectives reminds me that everyone has a different idea when it comes to choosing a school, but it has a way of working out for most people!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mackenzie,
    I really enjoyed reading your post. This is something that I have also thought about recently as some of my friends have asked for advice while making decisions like this. I find myself telling them that it really depends on what they want and not what everyone else says the right school decision is. Every school offers something different and it really depends on each person and what they want from a school. I think that its such a personal decision and with the stress that comes along with law school it is crucial that students make the decision of where to continue their education themself and not with the added pressure of others telling them where they should pick.


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