Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Senioritis 2.0 grad school edition

 As the last days of the semester pass by, the laziness compounds daily as the realization that graduation is almost a sure thing. Especially with the grading scale and curve, failing a class seems hard to accomplish, but may be possible by just never paying any attention at all during the semester. 

But as I have come to understand that and am pretty much set to graduate no matter what with a decent class rank, lazy has really begun to creep up on me. I use to never be late to class, but I have been finding myself coming several minutes late to my earliest class of 10am on multiple occasions so far. 

While I realize this is not something good, I also realize this might be a good opportunity to have a little bit of relaxing and doing some stuff that had been on the back burner for the past couple years, before I go into the no-life, full throttle bar prep for the next few months. 

Hopefully I am not the only one experience some extreme senioritis in the last semester of 3L, but I encourage everyone to take this opportunity if you can to recharge before going all out on the bar prep. 


  1. Yeah I'm also 3LOLing my way through this semester pretty hard. I can't help it. And we deserve it. Nothing like justified laziness. But we both know that we are about to start hard-core studying for the bar, then we will jump into our careers and it will be non-stop for the foreseeable future... so yeah, I've also adopted a bit of a YOLO philosophy this semester as well. I designed a super flexible schedule (very intentional) so I've actually gotten to do quite a bit of traveling over the long weekends. I want to be in my last semester of law school forever!

  2. I am totally feeling the same way! I agree though, I think it's good for us to be lazy before everything we have to do for bar prep.

  3. Something about this last semester is making all of my assignments more exhausting than most of my 1L assignments. The light is at the end of the tunnel, but these last few weeks seem to be moving at a snail's pace. Even caffeine doesn't seem to do the trick like it used to.

    I'm hoping hitting the graduation mark will revive me a bit to tackle the bar.

  4. I understand this completely. I have started to lose a lot of motivation. I think part of it is because bar prep courses are not the most exciting and I am in 2. Hopefully letting a little bit of laziness in will help preserve energy for bar prep this summer.


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