Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Taking Classes 3L Year

With only a few weeks left of law school, I figured I would stop and give my advice for any 2Ls selecting their schedules for next year. First, choose classes that you are interested in over taking every single bar prep course. This will be the last time that most of us will ever be in school, so take subjects that you find interesting or want to know more about. In my 3L fall, I took a Sports Law class because I would like to eventually work in sports law. Plus, we got to discuss various legal topics and how they relate to sports. Second, if you can, schedule your last semester so that you have some down time. There are not going to be many opportunities left where you get a spring break, could have multiple days off in the week, and have the time to do the things you want to. Prioritize a less stressful semester so that you feel energized and ready to crush bar prep. It will also help you avoid senioritis in your 3L year. Lastly, if you have not had a clinic or an externship by this point, take one of those opportunities. These allow you to get real world experience and start to narrow the practice areas you may be interested in. Everyone’s schedule will be different as they wind down their 3L year, but try to keep some of these in mind when deciding what to take to end your law school careers. 


  1. Thank you for the advice. I actually tried to do some of the things you suggest when I bid for fall classes. I feel very pressured to graduate next May since I had to play catch up due to credits lost when I transferred. The past two semesters have been overloaded and I have to do the same this summer to meet my graduation goal. Luckily, there are classes that I am interested in that even fit into my busy schedule. Hopefully my law school career will end as planned. As Benjamin Franklin once said..."in this world, nothing is certain but death and taxes."

  2. This is all great advice! I think there is definitely a right and wrong way to go about a 3L schedule, but mostly I think the right way is the person to weigh their options and priorities for what is best for them. I appreciate that you comment that everyone's experiences will be different and it is important to do what is best for you.

  3. Great advice Slade, I agree with taking classes that youre interested in over bar prep classes just to take the class, becuase if youre not going to apply yourself to start preparing for the bar early there isnt that much of a gain in my opinion.

  4. Great post! I am a 3L and agree that a lighter load your last semester is a great idea. If you have a semester with a lot going on it can be overwhelming to think about graduation, bar prep, and a job search all a the same time. I also agree that clinics are fantastic. I did a clinic and decided it wasn't for me, but a lot of employers are more interested in you when you have that practical experience, even if it is just a little!

  5. Great post! Taking advantage of classes in an area of interest is always a great idea. Why not take the opportunity to do so while we have the chance.


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