Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Legal Fuel and the future

 I have been browsing the legal fuel website that professor Bassett provided and just wanted to say its one of the many helpful resources I have put to the side for future use. I also plan to use the texts he has provided after graduating and passing the bar. I think these are resources that every law student should have when going into the practice of law. They are very helpful resources.

Legal fuel has some helpful articles spanning everything about the law. I was particularly interested in the articles concerning software use in the law firm. In the law firm I am working at we are currently transitioning to paperless. 

I recall hearing the name legal fuel before early on in my legal education. However, now is the time that I can really use this platform in a practical sense. I think as time goes on I will come to appreciate this course more and more and will come back to what I have learned in this class for years to come. Thank you.


  1. As you face the mandatory CLE requirements of The Florida Bar, you will appreciate even more all the free CLE programs on the Legal Fuel website. I've watched several of them (even though my state sadly has no MCLE requirement) and they have added to my base of knowledge in several areas.

  2. The first time I learned of Legal Fuel was in my Professional Responsibility class. Professor Cerniglia recommended using it as a resource to ensure that we are using the best practices when communicating with clients. Since then, I've used the forms and templates on Legal Fuel as a reference when developing client correspondence for the firm I work at, and I've also used it for assignments in my Interviewing & Counseling class. It will undoubtedly be a resource that I continue to use in my future career.

  3. I've been using Legal Fuel for my CLE hours for the past few years. It is a fantastic resource! I used to have to leave work or take vacation to sit through hours of irrelevant legal education to maintain my FRP status, which also costed hundreds of dollars each cycle. This transition has opened up so much more options for education at your fingertips - accessible from your office or home - entirely free.

  4. I’ve been looking at LegalFuel a little bit as well and there is definitely some good stuff in there. I think the document library will be really helpful going forward – it’s nice to know that there is a repository of essential forms and templates out there that can be used in a pinch, or even just to look at to get an idea of what a particular form should look like. Also, the marketing section looked useful as well. I would get a lot of use out of the marketing strategies section, especially its guides on advertising methods and best practices for social media.

    1. The forms in the document library are typically in Word document format. It would be a wise move if you are starting a law practice, or joining a small firm, to download the documents in the first three client-oriented categories and convert them to Word templates (.dotx instead of .docx).

      Then store them in a shared location (such as OneDrive or Dropbox) for you and others in the firm to use.

      Standardizing these types of client communication, fee, and intake forms and using them in every case can head off a lot of problems down the road.


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