Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Another Stetson Tuition Increase

 Stetson has once again raised its tuition prices to the surprise to no one but to the dismay of all. But this price hike is different than the last couple. In previous years, the dreaded tuition increase announcement included details as to why the increase. Two years ago the increase was due to COVID and rising costs for the school, the email told us. Last year, Stetson told us that the tuition increase was due to rising costs and inflation and they were just trying to keep up with it. Both of these I could argue are completely unnecessary for a school that already charges as much as it does but I digress.

This year, Stetson has no reason for a price increase. The only thing mentioned is that the board of trustees voted for the increase. No reason just that they voted for it. I think that the board of trustees will vote for an increase every year as it means more money in their pockets and less in ours. 

Luckily, I am a 3L and this won’t be my problem. Stetson’s continued tuition increase over the toughest mental and financial years for their students shows that they are only worried about one thing, and it’s not their students. 

1 comment:

  1. Theyre always increasing, but not adding benefits for those increases. They waste a lot of money, from a super expensive electronic screen outside the library to simply show the campus docket, to the enormous budgets the student ran events and stuff get that just splurge on the money in their budget for a couple overly big things rather than stretching it to get the max out of the budgets. There is a lot of waste at Stetson and also a lot of money not being used to actually improve the bigger more impactful things for Students daily time spent on campus.


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