Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Just Ranting About Tuition Increases and Transparency.

     A search of my student email inbox shows three separate emails (2024, 2023, and 2022) outlining implemented tuition increases for students of Stetson Law: 

2022 - 3.9%
2023 - 5.5%
2024 - 3%

    Curiously missing from this year's joyous notification is a reference to current inflation rates, which provided some surface level justification for the 2022 and 2023 rate increases. Instead, Stetson has vaguely outlined a new "flat tuition" model, ensuring future incoming students pay a uniform rate while enrolled at Stetson. 

    While I'm sure I could correspond directly with the Dean's office in order to get specifics answered, the lack of transparency as to where the money is going is frustrating. I've spent my professional career in government - every year, agencies post their LBR (legislative budget request) and supporting documentation to justify the costs for the upcoming year. As a general rule of thumb, you need to persuade the legislature to increase your budget - not just provide a cursory reason ("inflation", for example, probably wouldn't fly - I've seen requests to purchase fleet vehicles to replace thirty year old cars get shot down because those thirty year old cars still function).

    If Stetson prepares similar documentation in anticipation of the Board of Trustees meetings, I have yet to find it. Curiously, I've also been unable to find minutes from the Board of Trustees meetings. "Inflation" means lots of things - send us a breakdown as to where the extra dollars are going, or how the College intends to use it. Our chosen profession revolves around backing up claims with evidence. The College needs to put its best foot forward and lead by example.





1 comment:

  1. Christopher, I think a lot of us felt the same way getting that email. Considering we aren't getting more services, it doesn't make sense for tuition costs to be rising. Also, your point about transparency is well-taken. I think we should have a right to view the Board minutes so we know exactly who to voice complaints too and what factors where considered when making this decision. It would decrease confusion and frustration with the school too.


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