Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Bar Prep in Your 3L Year

     When entering law school I knew that the first year we would be given our schedules that contain our foundational courses. Throughout the next two years I knew that while we still had requirements we must meet, we had more freedom in choosing the courses that we took. One thing about this that surprised me was the fact that the final year, or at least the final semester of law school, there are not more refresher courses for bar preparation. I do not think that the final year or semester of law school should not necessarily be strictly focused on bar prep because not everyone takes the bar, I do think that offering refresher courses during the semester would be beneficial.

    While courses such as overview of Florida law, survey of Florida law and Multistate are offered to students, these courses go over multiple subjects within the semester, compacting a lot of topics into one course. I think that these courses are very beneficial, however I think that offering review courses that are focused on a singular topic would be very beneficial for students as well.  By offering courses specifically focused on one topic students the opportunity to spend additional time on the subjects that they feel they are struggling with in a classroom setting prior to studying for the bar online throughout the summer months.  Schools could offer these courses as one credit courses or weekend courses that specifically focus on one single subjects covered on the bar. By offering these courses in the final year of law school students could really focus on strengthening their skills on subjects that they feel they are not as strong in to help them better prepare for the bar.

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