Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The Work From Home Firing Strategy

After reading the article discussing the firing strategy that Stellantis used to cut jobs, I am left with mixed feelings on their decision. At first, I thought to myself how if I were to get fired from a big company like that myself, that actually may be kind of nice way to get the axe. The morning struggle to get out of the house and to work, only to get fired at who knows when doesn’t sound so great. There is always the chance a boss might wait until the end of the work day to fire an employer, as the article mentioned Elon Musk did when some employers were let go via email after a work day. Surely that would leave anyone with a sour taste in their mouth. Getting fired while you are still in the comfort of your own home while having had a much more stress-free morning sounds better than getting fired after a work day you had to go in for. 


However, while this strategy does seem like it may have considered sparing the employers being let go the wasted day going through the motions, it does reveal just how terrifying it can be when employers can be let go in an instant without warning. I imagine if this were to happen in a large law firm, associates would still be enraged and left unhappy with how they were fired out of the blue. Again, I’m sure being at home could improve the distressing event of getting fired maybe only slightly, but the reality of the situation still trumps the WFH firing. That many associates getting let go would naturally lead to many these associates fighting for other job opportunities with one another other. I’m sure there would be a few extra disgruntled associates, so if a large firm were to do this they better hope they did some due diligence and followed the the terms of their employment contracts when letting associates go. 

1 comment:

  1. I wonder about the security implications of WFH v in-office firing. These days, when someone is let go, IT immediately deletes the employee's access to all firm resources and confiscates any ID badges, many of which RFI access codes to get into the office. Is this easier or harder when the firing is done remotely?


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