Tuesday, March 5, 2024

What type of Law do I want to practice?

In coming to law school, most of us likely have some idea of the type of law that we think we want to practice. Once others find out that you are in law school, they always ask the question what type of law do you want to practice? This question is always difficult for me to answer because I do not know exactly what I want to practice. For me and likely many law students, we have interests in the law, but it is hard to really pin down exactly one area of law that we might want to practice. Last summer, one of the attorneys in the office I worked at gave us the advice to not set in stone the practice area you want to practice in. For one, you may get into a particular practice area that you thought you liked and end up hating it. I think, in the practice of law particularly, that it is best if you can get into a firm that will allow you to work in a couple different practice groups so that you get exposure to multiple areas of the law. It is important to keep all avenues open because there might be something that you thought you would never do that ends up interesting you. One thing that I like about the legal field is that once you have developed the skills to be an attorney, you can go learn other substantive areas of the law if they interest you. Ultimately, I hope I am not the only one who has a hard time answering the question what kind of law do you want to practice? It is a question I am sure all of us have been asked and it is surprisingly difficult to answer right out of law school with so many possibilities out there. 


  1. Hey Slade,
    I agree with this 100%. I find it comforting that my past and future bosses have agreed that I don't need to know exactly what type of law I want to practice. I found myself worried in interviews that attorneys would not want to hire me because I wasn't super passionate about one type of law. I was surprised when they often told me that I won't know my niche until I am actually practicing and figuring out what I like/ don't like. You are definitely not the only one that has a problem answering this question!

  2. Slade,
    Like Kaliope said, this is very comforting to hear. I feel like it is great advice to not be set in stone regarding a specific area of practice. I too struggle with this question so know you are definitely not alone.

  3. Hi Slade,
    I agree that being asked what type of law you want to practice is a daunting question, especially when you don't know the exact answer. Whenever I am asked this question, I feel as if I just list a bunch of different areas that have piqued my interest, but it sometimes feels as if I'm just trying to have an answer for someone else. I have been told by numerous people that I'll figure it out once I start practicing, which is helpful and comforting.


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