Tuesday, March 26, 2024

So.......Anyone Know What Happens Next?

     To all the other 3Ls in the class, let's talk about the elephant in the room: Graduation. Don’t panic, but it is just 53 days away.

    As we’re hurtling toward the end of law school, I can't help but realize something: I've been a student for what feels like forever. I mean, I'm a K-JD, I have been in school since I was a toddler, and I’m not really sure what a world outside of school looks like. It's like I've been living in this bubble, and it's about to burst.

    Sure, I'd love to think that stepping out of this bubble is going to be liberating, but to be realistic, my bar prep course starts just two days after graduation, so it's not like I'm getting a break anytime soon.

    I'm writing this for all of the students there like me, who are staring into the abyss of post-graduation uncertainty. We know the drill: graduation, bar prep, the dreaded bar exam, and then... what? The unknown is scary, no doubt about it. And finding a job? Don't even get me started.

    But you know what? We're in this together. Law school might be a breeding ground for imposter syndrome, but nobody really has it all figured out. We're all just riding this rollercoaster and personally, I think it's only going to get more exciting from here.

    We've got this, everyone! It’s almost over!

(Written with the Help of AI :) )


  1. Like you, I was a K-JD full-time student. I left law school with only part time and summer work experience. Things got very real very fast after commencement. Studying for the Bar was a full-time job (without pay), and then once the Exam was over, it was into the full-time work world with the added stress of waiting for the Bar results. Back then, we had to wait until early November, a period of more than three months after the July Bar was done. It was a lot to get used to. But we manage to survive with the support of those who care about us.

  2. Hi Katie!

    Congrats on almost being done! As a 2L, I'm jealous lol. I totally understand your apprehension to entering "the real world." I took a year off between undergrad and law school, and I had the same scary realization during that time. You've got this though! First step is to crush the bar exam 😎


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