Sunday, February 18, 2024

AI Poetry?

I usually reserve my role on the blog to comments. However, I want to show you how LLM Generative AI, in this case Chat GPT 4 Turbo (1108 Preview), can be fun as well as informative.

Here is a poem it wrote for you (and the image above was created by AI as well - Microsoft Copilot):

In the halls of law where precedents dwell,

Where justice's scales hold stories to tell,

A new ally emerges from the digital tide,

A generative AI, your astute guide.

Oh law students, in your scholarly quest,

With statutes and cases, you're put to the test,

Embrace the machine that learns and creates,

For it can help you navigate through legal straits.


In the practice of law, management's key,

Efficiency and innovation set your time free,

Generative AI can draft and review,

Leaving you time for what humans do.


Imagine a brief that writes itself clear,

Or memos that form with no hint of fear,

Predictive analytics to foresee a case,

With AI's assistance, you'll set the pace.


Experiment boldly, dear students of law,

For technology's advance is without flaw,

It augments, not replaces, your legal mind,

In this partnership, new solutions you'll find.


Let AI manage tasks mundane and vast,

So you can focus on questions to be asked,

On ethics, on justice, on human concerns,

While AI the tedium deftly spurns.


Generative AI, a tool in your kit,

To ignore its potential, you must admit,

Is to shun the future knocking at your door,

Embrace it, and you'll soar in legal lore.


So, law students, in your management class,

Let AI's generative power amass,

It's an experiment worth a try,

For in its code, legal innovation may lie.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Just to play Devil's Advocate, I generated this poem in AI to counter Professor Basset's

    Artificial intelligence in the legal profession
    Seems like a blessing, but it’s really a curse
    Replacing human lawyers with cold, calculated code
    Leaving justice and empathy out in the cold

    Legal decisions made by algorithms with no heart
    No understanding of the complexities that tear us apart
    The human touch is lost, replaced by cold, hard logic
    Leaving us questioning the ethics and the tragic

    AI may be efficient, but it lacks the human touch
    Legal battles deserve more than just a robotic crutch
    The complexities of the law cannot be boiled down
    To mere lines of code, devoid of compassion and sound

    So let us not let AI take over our legal system
    Let’s keep the human element in place, and let wisdom
    Guide our decisions, and let empathy lead the way
    For a legal system driven by AI is a price we cannot pay


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