Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Remote vs In-Person vs Hybrid


I recently started a new job clerking at a law firm, and it is the first place I have worked where they are truly hybrid. I wish I had found it sooner. Now that I have been working hybrid for a few weeks, I don't understand why workplaces would do solely in-person unless it was a job that required it.

In the legal field, most of the work is done alone and on the computer. You do not need to be in a workplace setting and can just as easily get it done at your desk at home. You also save workers' money on gas, car expenses, and the daily hassle of traffic going to and from work. Employees will be a lot more productive working in a hybrid if an employer thinks it is good for the employees to occasionally be together in an office setting. 

It will take a while for old-schoolers to accept that work can be done in the comfort of their own home in much comfier clothes than business casual ones. But once they accept it, it will become clear that their employees are happier and more productive. And if a situation requires an in-office meeting, they have the comfort of going into the office and using their space. Hybrid work is the perfect mixture of remote and in-person working, and it will continue to become more widespread in the future.


  1. I have a hybrid schedule at my job too and I love it. On days I don't have the hour long commute, I can take my time getting ready or working out before work. It also saves time and/or money because I don't have to pack or buy lunch at home. I hope more workplaces adopt this approach. It's beneficial for them too because they aren't limited in recruiting only locals to work at their firms.

  2. I completely agree with this. Especially when majority of the work is being done at your desk on your computer, who cares where its done as long as its getting done. I do enjoy going into the office for some social interaction and theres some things that I think are better done in person, but not everyday needs to be in person in the office. More offices/firms should be open to hybrid and if they want certain days in the office, then thats fine too.


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