Saturday, February 10, 2024

Law School Survival: Self-Care Edition

    I’m sure we all know just how all-consuming law school can be. Sometimes, I feel like I can barely come up for air before I’m knocked down with another reading assignment, something new to turn in, or some required thing I have to show my face at. Plus on top of that, I know a lot of us are trying to work and panicking about jobs post-graduation.

    I feel like that lack of balance is something that is a glaring problem that we’re all just trying to sweep under the rug. I know that’s what I do at the very least. I’m first-generation law school, and I can’t quite get my friends and family to understand that this is a very different experience from undergrad. They mean well, but the gap between undergrad and law school is very difficult for a lot of people to grasp, and sometimes, it's just easier to say everything is "fine" and hope they don't see through the cracks.

    We need to acknowledge how important it is to take care of ourselves in stressful times like this, especially before we hit the real crunch mode that is the bar. Let yourself take breaks once in a while, a time when you can forget what is going on and just relax. Make sure you’re eating enough and throw in some healthy food every once in a while. It’s okay to take a break. Give yourself permission to step away for a second, because otherwise, your body will force you to take the break eventually, and I guarantee the time you pick for a break will be better than the one your brain picks for you.

    I also think that, while they don’t fully understand the experience, you need to talk to someone outside of law and law school. Law students and others involved can become an echo chamber sometimes, where you just can’t help but spiral about your workload, classes, and recent horror stories. You need to talk to someone who isn’t involved at all and let yourself have the mental break.

    Now, I want to make it clear that I am not telling anyone what to do. This isn't a lecture or a set of rules. It's more like a friendly reminder that taking care of yourself matters. I will be the first to say that I am NOT great at this whole work-life balance thing. There are times when I dive so deep into work that I forget to answer calls or texts for days, and then there are those instances when I leave everything to the last minute, resulting in multiple all-nighters. (Honestly impressed with myself that I'm getting this done before Tuesday.) But I do think this is an important thing to talk about, and that sometimes we all need something to encourage us to take care of ourselves. Law school has this unique way of becoming its own special kind of torture that we willingly sign up for. It's okay to admit that sometimes, we're not the masters of balancing it all.

    Sometimes, we all need a little nudge to prioritize ourselves. To admit that it's okay not to have everything figured out. We're all just figuring it out as we go.

Written with aid of Chat GPT (Sorry I didn't realize we needed to put this on the bottom!)



  1. So true, Katie! I am admittedly very bad at managing my work/life balance. I fall deep into a work or school grind and I have a hard time pulling myself out. I feel like I have been drowning since 1L, and I still haven't been able to come up for air. I love school, and I love what we do, but I definitely could afford some more "me time." This was a great reminder for all of us to treat ourselves more kindly and to prioritize our health and happiness.

  2. Hi Katie,
    I really enjoyed reading this post. Law school is tough and sometimes it really is hard to find a balance between school, extracurriculars, jobs, friends, and healthy habits. There just never seems to be enough time in the day and sometimes that can really have a negative effect on mental and physical well-being. For me, taking a break is sometimes that last thing I feel like I have the time to do, but I agree that choosing the time to take a break always serves me much better than working myself to exhaustion to the point where I have to take a break. Great post and great reminder for all of us!

  3. Hi Katie, your article on the challenges and stress of law school resonates deeply, capturing the overwhelming nature of the experience and the struggle to maintain balance. As a first-generation law student, your perspective sheds light on the difficulty of bridging the gap between undergrad and law school, a sentiment that many can relate to. The emphasis on self-care and the need to acknowledge the importance of taking breaks is a crucial reminder, especially in the midst of the intense workload and the looming pressures of post-graduation job concerns. Your candid acknowledgment of personal struggles with work-life balance adds authenticity to your message, making it a friendly reminder rather than a lecture. It's refreshing to see someone addressing the challenges of law school with empathy and understanding, providing a much-needed nudge for all of us to prioritize our well-being amidst the demands of this unique academic journey.
    (response helped by Ai)


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