Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Order in the Court: Judge Judy vs. Real Judges


When people see Judge Judy on television, they often think is this how a judge will hold court in real life? 

Lets compare

Comparing Judge Judy to actual judges involves contrasting her role as a television personality presiding over a small claims court with the responsibilities and qualifications of real-life judges within the legal system.

1. Jurisdiction and Scope:

  Judge Judy: Judy adjudicates disputes in a simulated small claims court setting for entertainment purposes. The cases typically involve monetary claims of up to a certain limit, and the decisions are final and binding.

   Actual Judges: Real-life judges serve within the judicial system, presiding over cases in various courts, including municipal, state, and federal courts. They handle a wide range of civil, criminal, and administrative matters, applying relevant laws and precedents to resolve disputes.

2. Legal Authority and Decision-Making:

   Judge Judy: Judge Judy's decisions are not legally binding in the same way as those made by actual judges. While parties agree to abide by her rulings as part of the show's contractual arrangements, they retain the option to pursue legal remedies in a formal court if they disagree with the outcome.

   Actual Judges: Real-life judges possess the authority to interpret and apply the law, make evidentiary rulings, and issue legally binding decisions or judgments. Their decisions are subject to appellate review but carry the force of law within their respective jurisdictions.

3. Qualifications and Experience:

   Judge Judy: Judy Sheindlin, while a former judge in New York family court, serves primarily as a television personality on Judge Judy. Her expertise and qualifications are in the realm of family law, but her role on the show is more akin to that of an arbitrator or mediator.

   Actual Judges: Real-life judges are typically appointed or elected to their positions based on their legal education, experience, and qualifications. They may have served as attorneys, prosecutors, or public defenders before becoming judges, and many have extensive legal backgrounds in various areas of law.

While Judge Judy provides entertainment value and insights into conflict resolution, her role differs significantly from that of actual judges who serve within the legal system. Real-life judges hold legal authority, possess extensive qualifications, and preside over cases in accordance with formal legal procedures and principles.


  1. I used to love Judge Judy growing up! I will say though when I watch it now I take it so unseriously having seen real judges. I think the show is funny for entertainment purposes but I always assume the two parties in the case are actors and its all made up. Does she even handle real cases? I'm not sure. I do think it's funny though when non-lawyers think that is actually how small claims court is. Also, side note, but I bet most judges wished they made the $47 million yearly salary she does! Thanks for your post, it was great!

  2. I also used to love Judge Judy growing up. My mom and I still watch it together sometimes, though like with many other legal shows, I have to keep my mouth shut or I will get whacked with a pillow. I think (or at least pray) that a good majority of people know that is not how small claims court works, though I did work with the general public for a while and know many probably do indeed think that Judge Judy’s courtroom is real.

    I’m fairly sure most of their cases are real small claims cases, but if I remember right, I think the show pays the damages, not the parties. The producers do obviously go for the wildest cases they can find, and I’m sure some are faked, but you have to admit, it is good entertainment sometimes. Even if some of the entertainment is imagining if anyone tried ANYTHING on that show in an actual courtroom!


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