Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Working with different management styles? Help

    I'm not sure if anyone would have advice but I'm working on a project with two partners at they have conflicting working styles. One heavily focuses on content while the other cares more about style and format. They both also hate each other's grammar and writing style. 

    I'm running into an issue with moving the project forward because the style one keeps getting held up by stylistic differences. I've been trying to take their work separately and merge them into one document but most of their critics are about the other's work. I've met with both of them multiple times but everything stops when there's a style issue and I have to go through the entire project and fix it. 

    Should I just tell them to meet with each other and fix it? Or continue my role as a liaison and organizer? Any ideas or suggestions?


  1. Why aren't they collaborating on a single document using Word's Track Changes and Commenting features? And then let Word's built-in Editor or something like the excellent WordRake software make the stylistic decisions. There is no reason you should be in the middle of this battle trying to combine separate documents into a finished product. If they are doing it the wasteful way and printing out the documents and marking them up on paper and giving them to you to reconcile, they are just squandering time and resources and impairing the profitability of the law firm.

  2. I agree with Professor Bassett. There is no reason you should be getting mixed up in an ongoing dispute between the two partners. It seems this is only wasting your time and their resources, while also hindering your final product.


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