Wednesday, February 21, 2024

The Dangers of Check Fraud

Last week I posted about credit card processing in law practices and while that is a viable option for law practices, many attorneys still primarily accept checks from their clients. However, check fraud is on the rise. How can attorneys continue to accept checks while protecting themselves from fraud. I read an article that gave some great solutions for how attorneys can implement practices to hopefully lessen their chances of receiving a fraudulent check.

I think the most impactful suggestion from this articles is the use of a check scanner. There are also some companies that have mobile apps you can use to verify your checks. Some banks also have special programs that help guard your account from check fraud. 

Overall, if an attorney is hesitant to accept physical checks they can try accepting ACH. This electronic method allows you to verify the account number immediately. With ACH the funds are still held for 3 days due to the clearinghouse regulations so it does not speed up the deposit time. 

1 comment:

  1. Most of us have paid for a product or service at a retail establishment or restaurant that uses Square. Lawyers like me also use Square. Square now also allows ACH payments along with credit card payments. Law firms (and other merchants) can give clients the option to pay by credit card or ACH simply by checking the appropriate boxes on the website when creating an invoice. This process eliminates the risk of check fraud, and the fees charged are much less than those charged for credit card payments.


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